Page 44 - Graffiti_wp
P. 44

Abo Bakr

Ammar Abou Bakr is a          His vision is to present
well-known muralist and       art to the people to make
graffiti artist in Egypt. He    them feel joy. He got the
studied painting at the Lux-  ideas of his graffiti from
or Institute of Fine Arts.    the Egyptian society. Abou
His desire is to communi-     Bakr currently also works
cate a message through        with other artists on many
his art. He dreams to take    projects within and out-
his work from the stu-        side Egypt. His vision is to
dio into the public space.    present art to the people
His famous during the rev-    to make them feel joy. He
olution were on Mohamed       got the ideas of his graffiti
Mahmoud Street. It was        from the Egyptian society.
inspired by what is going
on in the country at the
time. His work can also be
seen in other places in Cai-
ro and Alexandria. He also
has work outside Egypt, at
Beirut, Brussels, Amster-
dam, Berlin, Cologne and
Frankfurt. Abou Bakr cur-
rently also works with oth-
er artists on many projects
within and outside Egypt.

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