Page 40 - Graffiti_wp
P. 40


There is also Aya tarek,      She has developed a
who is an Egyptian mu-        specific style with satire
ralist and illustrator from   in her art that gives a lit-
Alexandria. She studied       tle controversial twist to
painting in Alexandria Uni-   the public issues. At the
versity, and she prefers      beginning of her life, Aya
to work with paint more       found herself unwelcome
than spray and stencils.      at many galleries, who
She has been doing art-       imposes certain stereo
work since 2008, when         types and beliefs. With
she was 18 . She is con-      her graffiti, she started a
sidered as the first seri-     war against the system
ous street artist in Egypt.   and she started to ex-
She has been featured         press herself on the walls
in and produced sever-        of downtown Alexandria.
al independent films that      She participated in lot of
includes her personal ex-     galleries and exhibitions
periences with the media      locally and all over the
and how she was affect-        world.
ed by it. Today, she is an
internationally well known
who wants her art to be
free for everyone to look
at and wonder. She has
developed a specific style
with satire in her art that
gives a little controversial
twist to the public issues .

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