Page 10 - Graffiti_wp
P. 10

The graffiti started to ap-         This movement that start-
pear on Egypt walls since         ed in Cairo streets formed
the revolution of January 25.     a new art form that ex-
It started to grab the inter-     periments in different
national attention and rec-       styles but that was also
ognition. Many artists that       influenced by the western
stared during the revolution      graffiti. The Egyptian graf-
to express their protest and      fiti artist had created new
express their thoughts on         styles, mixing Arabic cal-
Cairo walls, exhibited now        ligraphy with Egyptian pop
their work at international       culture icons. Much of the
art galleries. They became        graffiti in Cairo during this
famous, they could be             period were found near
seen on magazine covers           Tahrir Square -the heart-
and have been featured in         beat of all protests.
documentaries about their
work. During this period,
they produced thousands
of graffiti that document-
ed this political period with
all its triumphs, failures,
deaths and celebrations.

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